
The Fabrics are Rolling in!

And We're Off! 

We have started sourcing fabric for our upcoming upholstery kickoff; take a look at these beauties and let us know if you have a project in mind! Wait until you see the headboards that Mark is putting together!
"Traveling Riverside Blues Two"
And here's "Moby Dick One"
We call her "Royal Orleans One"
"Traveling Riverside Blues Three"
And last, but not least, "Celebration Day One"

Welcome to NormalTown Nest

Here you will find a running list of all the goings on at Mark and my house in NormalTown...We will show you how we are configuring our space, DIY projects, and so much more!  Stay tuned for a little decor, some cooking and gardening inspiration, a few tips and tricks, and a whole lotta love!